Over a week ago, we were joined by Lidl and Knowsley kitchen as part of Marcus Rashford’s #endchildpoverty campaign. Vee’s Place was open during the school holiday and providing hot food voucher for anybody in need.
Due to recent political events, school meals for children weren’t extended during the school holidays. Vee’s Place filled in the gap for children and families who are struggling during this time. We served over 50 individuals during the week with one hot meal voucher every day.
“I’m hugely grateful to Vee’s Place. I was really worried when the government voted on not extending the free school meals over the holidays. Thankfully, Vee’s Place was there to step in and help us through this period.”
“I feel so embarrassed to ask for help to feed my child from family and friends. Going to Vee’s Place for a hot meal has been a life line.”
Vee continues, “Food banks and meal services are seen to be very embarrassing for families who access them. Here at Vee’s Place, we don’t judge people and we welcome anybody who walks through those doors. Food bank recipients usually go on to access one or more of our other services. We hugely believe in providing bespoke support that help individuals in several different areas of their lives.”
As Christmas approaches, we’re in the process of raising funds and donations of items through the food bank in the local school and our fundraiser (Click here to donate). The funds will provide delivery services of essentials such as food and hygiene products to some of the most vulnerable in the Knowsley area; pupil premium children, low incomes families, teachers and key workers who struggle to make ends meet.
If you are in need for a hot meal then contact us or drop in to our centre for more information.